Sunday 27 September 2009


For our practical production work, the focus for it has been the band Chick Rides Artist: an upcoming rock/metal band. We have brainstormed a few ideas, two in particular. We decided on either filming the band in action or do a disjuncted video which does not feature the band. We decided on focusing on the disjuncted video as it may be hard to get the band together as they are touring.

We have decided to focus on a female character for the video, someone who is initially quite disturbed, someone who is disullusioned by their surroundings. We focus on this character walking through quite closed and scary places, and along her walk she bumps into people, but she doesn't see people, she sees things in which are not normal. Characters you may see in a horror film. We want to go beyond normality and want the audience to be so entranced in the strange things that are going on around our main character that they feel how
scary and disturbing it would be to be in that situation.

The four technical areas focus on sound, which will be 'Welcome to the Woods' by Chick Rides artist: a rock/metal/screamo genre of music. Camera angles, in which we will be using canted angles, and high shots to represent the state of mind of the main character. There will be a range of shots such as long shots of her walking down a long corridor, crowd shots of her centrally framed by everything around her but it will mainly be close ups to show the fear on the girls face. The close ups will break up the editing to make it fast and pacey, also to create this horror type feel with zoom ins to extreme close ups, and then quick zooms out.

Editing consists of many long takes of the girl, the abnormal things going on around and canted angles are going to exaggerate the feeling of the video. However the song does have fast parts and is a very jumpy song to represent this we are going to use jump cuts that flash terrifying things like dead bodies and clowns. But this will be so quick, it will be difficult notice if you watch it first time round, but some will be so defined and scary that you will.

Mise en scene consists of lighting, costume and location. Throughout the video it is going to have quite low key lighting, to emphasize the theme of gothic. We will then edit parts of the footage to become black and white or maybe sepia, we don't want to film it in natural light as we have to emphasize the abnormality if the video. The clothing of the girl is going to be a white night gown that you would see dolls wear and it would connote the victorian times. We want to give the impression this girl is not a human but a spirit or a soul that is confused. The things around her will be typical scar things like clowns, china dolls, scary faces, dead bodies, blood and things that you would associate with horror films.

Chick Rides Artist are a band that fall on under the rock/screamo category. If you look at other bands in which fall under this category such as avenged sevenfold, there videos have a tendency to reflect this gothic masculine and frightening image. Which does its jobs well and attracts the audience. As this is in the same music category, we obviously want to target the same range of audience, as it works for all the other bands that fall under this category of music. We want to pursue this grungey image of what the band represents. We want to reach into this rock scene, and by presenting this dark angry feel for the band in the video, will do exactly this and it will target and satisfy the particular audienc we want. It is a form of alternative music and it doesnt fall into the mainstream, so by using alternative characters it will represent the band as different and willing to stand out with a edgy video that will challenge convections.

1 comment:

  1. A good general overview.

    You now need to consider and explain:

    Institution and distribution/access.
