Wednesday 9 September 2009


Luca Berardino Vocals Mark Lloyd Vocals Nick Berardino Guitars Luke Roach Guitars Gary Hodge Bass Sam S
quire Drums Chick Rides Artist are a 6 piece band from Torbay in Devon bringing a fresh new sound for your ears.

The genre of music that this band perform is a combination of rock and screamo.The track we have chosen for our music video is a song called "Welcome to the woods" which can be found on their myspace link

The typical audience would predominantly be males, however more females are now breaking the stereotypical view of what they should or shouldn't listen to and are starting to listen to this kind of music or follow on to trends that people would think only appeal to men. The age of people that would listen to this this genre of music and this band could vary between the years of 12 - late twenties as rock music doesn't have a niche age range and is open to all ages. However the age range that would particularly listen to this band would be late teens to early twenties due to the social factors that there fans will see them at venues and gigs at which the audience will be of a younger generation for example Rude bar in Torquay where they perform regularly. The lifestyle and interests of the audience will rely strongly on a common interest of music and sharing the joys of rock music. Their hobbies would probably consist of such sports like skate boarding or BMXing.

Chick rides artist are accessible through Web 2 as they are marketing themselves on Myspace (The link is above), Facebook and twitter. Making themselves available on these popular social network sites allows them to reach a young audience. It also means that anyone can see the
re page therefore increasing chances of a larger fan base. The obvious adantages of Web 2 is that it is a cheap and easy method of advertising themselves.
The representation that their Web 2 pages give them, focusing mainly on their myspace due to the fact that it is the most popular site out of all three, is that they are a very professional and successful band as it is layed out neatly previewing some of their songs and tour dates. The background of their myspace is a picture of them which identifies the band.

The success of the band is emphasized by the fact that they have posted a video of an interview they did and they also have all their gig posters on the site. The representaton of the band themselves is that they suit the genre of music through their dress code e.g. Long hair, piercing's, dark clothes. The fact they are also all male contributes to the masculinity of this genre of music. The main venue they play at in Torquay is a rock bar called rude, mainly on a monday as it is "metal Monday" however a list of their tour dates and venues is on their myspace.

We got our inspiration for the video from a band that are also local and sing the same genre of music there fore they give us clues as to what road to go down. We also found Evanscance's video "Bring me to life" very helpful as they captured the atmosphere of abnormality through the girl who was the main character in the video.

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