Monday 14 December 2009

Last changes

We have looked at our nearly complete video. And decided to change the style of the male figure in it as he didn't suit the representation of the band, his style didn't fit the mise en scene therefore we changed the male figure to some one who matches the screamo emo representation.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Red Flashes.

We have edited many of our shorter, paceful and shocking images and put them in red. We have done this to create a red motif throughout. This is in order to portray the violence, anger and revenge that she is seeking.

Parrellal edits.

We feel that our music video was missing something, it didnt quite fit together like we wanted it to. Therefore we have deciding to ad
d in some parrellel editing so that when you see clips of our main female character, you also see a male figure, we have filmed a few profile shots of him. We feel that this is effective in order to tie the video together because he represents why the girl is so messed up, sad and angry. She has lost her love, and the horrible writing such as the words ' kill ' and revenge' show how she is feeling now that she is heartbroken.

Monday 30 November 2009

Black and white

We have decided to put a consistant black and white effect onto the video, this is to represent the darkness and discouler in the girls life, it also creates more of a consistancy throughout the the video and it also makes the violent red flashes stand out more creating a more pacey effect.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

With exactly one week left we have now nearly completed our filming and editing process. Our chosen song lasts for 3.25 seconds in total and we have filmed 2.55 of it and edited to what we want our final piece to look like, unfortunately we still have about 30 seconds to film and edit.

The last 30 seconds is a guitar solo and some soft singing by the lead vocalist therefore we have planned out what we are going to do in order to wrap up the final 30 seconds of our video. We are planning to film this over the weekend and edit on monday in preparation for the deadline.
For this piece we have used a section from our original story board but we have changed it slightly so that there isn't a little girl sat on the swing, it is the character of the mai girl, and we are filming her in contrast from
happy to sad.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Some more clipits. (newspaper)

Some Snap shots.

Here are some snap shots of some of the disturbing images we have featured within our film, they are carefully edited and i have decided to post them up so that everyonecan have a look at the separate snort shots that we have featured within the video itself.

Shot list

Still shots
Jump shots
Tracking and panning shots
This order to create this quick flashy and jumpy feel which is synchronous with the fast pace full screamo music. When the music becomes more slow and reflective we have slowed down the editing and shot lengths.


We are now in the filming process, we have changed our storyline in the slightest to create more effect; for example we have decided to change certain aspects to make the video more flashy and enigmatic. We have done this by adding short snap shots of newspaper clippings of words such as 'blood' and 'kill' to give the video more of a dramatic and distorted effect, which is what we want.

Also we have changed the location of where we have ended the film, we found quite a creepy more sinister location in which we prefer of the original idea of the pier.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Story board.

This is our first storyboard, we have drawn pictures of precisely each shot we intend to perform. We have also roughly worked out the timing for each shot, which is helpful in seeing how much we actually have to include in the video and roughly how much time what we are doing will take up.


We want our actress to be in a night gown, preferably white so that it suggests naivity and innocence, we also have decided to place a black see through dress over the top in order to suggest that her innocence and naivity as now been tarnished, therefore we felt that balck was a good cold colour to use in order to contrast.

We have past images, in which she is wearing normal clothes in order to show us how she was not messed up, but a happy normal girl. For example the scene in which you see her swinging on the swing.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


We have had to reconsider some aspects in the making of the video. Such as the main actress, we firstly thought she would be ideal for the part as she had dark hair and was covered in piercings and tatoos. This adds perfectly to the genre of music. But as she isnt availiable when we need to use her and is quite unreliable. In order to fit deadlines we have changed the actress so that one of us will be centered within the video.

We feel that to involve the band within the video, even though effect full with involving them with the process, it is very difficult to handle this along with the time that they are availiable as we only have a short time to film, and we also have school to consider and the majority of the band are gigging and at college.

Sunday 27 September 2009


For our practical production work, the focus for it has been the band Chick Rides Artist: an upcoming rock/metal band. We have brainstormed a few ideas, two in particular. We decided on either filming the band in action or do a disjuncted video which does not feature the band. We decided on focusing on the disjuncted video as it may be hard to get the band together as they are touring.

We have decided to focus on a female character for the video, someone who is initially quite disturbed, someone who is disullusioned by their surroundings. We focus on this character walking through quite closed and scary places, and along her walk she bumps into people, but she doesn't see people, she sees things in which are not normal. Characters you may see in a horror film. We want to go beyond normality and want the audience to be so entranced in the strange things that are going on around our main character that they feel how
scary and disturbing it would be to be in that situation.

The four technical areas focus on sound, which will be 'Welcome to the Woods' by Chick Rides artist: a rock/metal/screamo genre of music. Camera angles, in which we will be using canted angles, and high shots to represent the state of mind of the main character. There will be a range of shots such as long shots of her walking down a long corridor, crowd shots of her centrally framed by everything around her but it will mainly be close ups to show the fear on the girls face. The close ups will break up the editing to make it fast and pacey, also to create this horror type feel with zoom ins to extreme close ups, and then quick zooms out.

Editing consists of many long takes of the girl, the abnormal things going on around and canted angles are going to exaggerate the feeling of the video. However the song does have fast parts and is a very jumpy song to represent this we are going to use jump cuts that flash terrifying things like dead bodies and clowns. But this will be so quick, it will be difficult notice if you watch it first time round, but some will be so defined and scary that you will.

Mise en scene consists of lighting, costume and location. Throughout the video it is going to have quite low key lighting, to emphasize the theme of gothic. We will then edit parts of the footage to become black and white or maybe sepia, we don't want to film it in natural light as we have to emphasize the abnormality if the video. The clothing of the girl is going to be a white night gown that you would see dolls wear and it would connote the victorian times. We want to give the impression this girl is not a human but a spirit or a soul that is confused. The things around her will be typical scar things like clowns, china dolls, scary faces, dead bodies, blood and things that you would associate with horror films.

Chick Rides Artist are a band that fall on under the rock/screamo category. If you look at other bands in which fall under this category such as avenged sevenfold, there videos have a tendency to reflect this gothic masculine and frightening image. Which does its jobs well and attracts the audience. As this is in the same music category, we obviously want to target the same range of audience, as it works for all the other bands that fall under this category of music. We want to pursue this grungey image of what the band represents. We want to reach into this rock scene, and by presenting this dark angry feel for the band in the video, will do exactly this and it will target and satisfy the particular audienc we want. It is a form of alternative music and it doesnt fall into the mainstream, so by using alternative characters it will represent the band as different and willing to stand out with a edgy video that will challenge convections.

Wednesday 23 September 2009


Our first possible location is cockington gardens in Torquay as the feel we want to give to our video is a scary and possibly disturbing atmosphere so cockington at night provides this as it has a church, grave yard, large scary house and the gardens at night would make a perfect location to create a scary atmosphere. Problems with this idea though would of course be lighting cos idealy if we filmed here we would ant to do it at night.

Our next possible location was at rude bar, which is where they normally play. We would use this venue if we proceeded with the band being in the video and playing. This would work effectively as the band would be featured in it, but rude is quite small and therefore hard to film in.

We couldn't get any pictures of this place however inside it is basically a small club which is a perfect place to hold gigs due to the small capacity.
Our final location and idea is to film it at my house as we are very keen to create a scary atmosphere. We feel that my house has lots of scary attributes that will contribute to the atmosphere and enhance the creepy feel we want to show the audience. In one of the video we want a strange gitl walkiing around. To give her a scary looking, and to connote that she is similar to a ghost or a creature of the dead then we want to make her wear a white night gown or dress. We thought this would be a good choice due to the fact that white night gowns have connotations of either the victorian times or the dead. This is a typical feature in horror films, obviously when they represent girls as a spirit. This is the main character in our video, a girl who is disturbed.


Another part of one of our idea, which will involve props is lots of wierd and strange things around the girl walking around the scary location.

The following things we consider using are:

People in clown masks. Using people disguised as clowns creates this sense of something that isnt reality, clowns are not real and alot of people have genuine phobias of clowns. So this makes them even more 'freaky '

China dolls: Use of these within the video will be short up close snap shots of the dolls faces, this is effectfull to create a threatening and scary edge as the dolls if you look at them are just quite scary

Wednesday 9 September 2009


Luca Berardino Vocals Mark Lloyd Vocals Nick Berardino Guitars Luke Roach Guitars Gary Hodge Bass Sam S
quire Drums Chick Rides Artist are a 6 piece band from Torbay in Devon bringing a fresh new sound for your ears.

The genre of music that this band perform is a combination of rock and screamo.The track we have chosen for our music video is a song called "Welcome to the woods" which can be found on their myspace link

The typical audience would predominantly be males, however more females are now breaking the stereotypical view of what they should or shouldn't listen to and are starting to listen to this kind of music or follow on to trends that people would think only appeal to men. The age of people that would listen to this this genre of music and this band could vary between the years of 12 - late twenties as rock music doesn't have a niche age range and is open to all ages. However the age range that would particularly listen to this band would be late teens to early twenties due to the social factors that there fans will see them at venues and gigs at which the audience will be of a younger generation for example Rude bar in Torquay where they perform regularly. The lifestyle and interests of the audience will rely strongly on a common interest of music and sharing the joys of rock music. Their hobbies would probably consist of such sports like skate boarding or BMXing.

Chick rides artist are accessible through Web 2 as they are marketing themselves on Myspace (The link is above), Facebook and twitter. Making themselves available on these popular social network sites allows them to reach a young audience. It also means that anyone can see the
re page therefore increasing chances of a larger fan base. The obvious adantages of Web 2 is that it is a cheap and easy method of advertising themselves.
The representation that their Web 2 pages give them, focusing mainly on their myspace due to the fact that it is the most popular site out of all three, is that they are a very professional and successful band as it is layed out neatly previewing some of their songs and tour dates. The background of their myspace is a picture of them which identifies the band.

The success of the band is emphasized by the fact that they have posted a video of an interview they did and they also have all their gig posters on the site. The representaton of the band themselves is that they suit the genre of music through their dress code e.g. Long hair, piercing's, dark clothes. The fact they are also all male contributes to the masculinity of this genre of music. The main venue they play at in Torquay is a rock bar called rude, mainly on a monday as it is "metal Monday" however a list of their tour dates and venues is on their myspace.

We got our inspiration for the video from a band that are also local and sing the same genre of music there fore they give us clues as to what road to go down. We also found Evanscance's video "Bring me to life" very helpful as they captured the atmosphere of abnormality through the girl who was the main character in the video.


Welcome to the woods.

Open your eyes.
This time i've tried, forget about the wrong or rights.
around and fight
As you lie here and hours turn to days, don't let it slip
It's better than before but wait for me, time is wasted.
It's far to
hard to see the open road, it's far too hard.
Open your mind.
As appathy owns
you, you build your castles in the sky.
and when they all fall, your no more
than meets the eye.
It's better than before but wait for me, time is
It's far too hard to see the open road, it's far too hard.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Johnny Sniper Enter Shikari

This is a shot from the video ' Jhonny Sniper' by Enter Shikari. A band whom of which have made it by them selves with out the help of a music label.

This video starts off with a low angle shot of the four members jumping of there old red tour bus. This actually was used as a symbol of how the band has grown and made it on there own. They have moved onto bigger and better things.

The video begins in slow motion then gradually progresses and becomes fast paced with green flashy electronic lightening. This represents Enter Shikari just has there music is, which is highly energetic. There are many crash zooms through out the video, plugging into the different members of the band, whom are always moving about at a fast speed.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

"Give It Away" is centered around the philosophy of selflessness and altruistic behavior. The song is titled after lyrical phrase "give it away", which is taken from an experience Kiedis had with his former girlfriend.
During the verses, Kiedis departs from the idea of unselfishness and sings about a variety of topics including various sexual themes including fertility and lust.

The video presents the band in a desert covered in silver paint, the desert possibly being a link to when Jesus spent fourty days and fourty nights in the desert. The video is constant all the way through, with a sereis of long and shot cuts, when the chorous kicks in there are a series of quick zoom in and outs when Kiedis sings the lines ' Give it away, give it away, give it away now' and this gives the video a rocky edge.

There are many links to what you see in the video to do with the theme of fertility and lust and you can see the low angle shot from underneath Kiedus. These simple repetitive shots are synchronous anwith the song itself. Making the video simple and eay to watch and digest. It also is representative of the rock genre as presented through what the band is wearing and of course there instruments d use of bass guitar.

Sunday 21 June 2009

Panic At The Discos ' I write sins not tradgedies.'

The whole of the video is filmed in a church and it presents a ceremony of marrigae. Which is actually a sham. The music video is placed onto levels, one in which the lighting and movement is very slow, and this is during the verse. When the chorus cuts in the editing is more pacy and all the circus freaks, in which you can see here, start moving about doing all sorts of various acts, the lighting is also
more bright at these points.

The video is also chronological within the events that take place, you have the verse in which everything is quiet and the camera work and music is slow.

The camera here in this shot, is shot from a high angle to enable you to see the movement of the charecters which is synchronous with the music the whole way through. The idea of the video itself is suggesting that love itself isnt real, its fake and riot like.