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How did you use new media technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages
I have used Blogspot in order to record the progress of the promotional package. Blogspots technology has been useful to use as it is a quick and easy way to record quick changes, analysis of the ongoing project and things that we have done it is also useful to refer back to in order have a look at why you have done something if it is not clear in your mind. Blog spot is also extremely useful for me to post pictures and screen shots to see what I have done and how I have done it. Blogspot has been extremely useful though out the making of our promotional package as it has allowed feedback from the teacher and it is brilliant for the communication with the teacher aswel, it is easy to use at home and has been extremely helpful for the planning and research side of things throughout the course. Blogspot is also very useful to upload footage onto in order to show progress, and it is also very useful to link to facebook and myspace pages where the video is being shown and also blogspot is useful to place link to youtube where the video is being screened aswel.
I used web 2 to advertise my music video, the global village makes it much easier to advertise the video itself in order to receive feedback. The two main sources I have used duirng the course are youtube and facebook. Youtube is a world wide site in which is open for all public use, as anyone with a youtube account is viable to post there own videos onto it. By using youtube as a form of web 2 my music video is available for anyone to watch and comment on it, therefore receiving feedback through ratings, comments and the amount of people who have viewed the video itself is logged onto there. Through the use of youtube it also allows you to see how people have been aware of your video is available for viewing and also what part of the world your video is most popular in. Youtube is extremely easy to use and it is used worldwide making it an excellent form of feedback for me.
The of social websites has also hepled me with the acheivment of my final products. Myspace one of the biggest internet providers for social networking and advertising music helped me in the making of my DVD cover and magazine advert in particular. I visited Chick Rides Myspace to get a feel of how they already advertise them sleves looking particulary at the font type and coulering that they have put on there page, therefore I took actiona and used these guidelines in order to make my promotional package. I also looked on their myspace page to gat a better feel of the genre that Chick Rides fit into, I also got an idea of there audience feedback through looking at comments left and therefore showing me what type of people are interested in the band itself.
The second social networking website that I used to help me is facebook. Firstly this is how i communicated with the band members when making the video and when asking them if it was okay to use the video and when they were playing any gigs that I could pop along and watch when i was taking pictures for my promotional package, therefore facebook was vital on the communication side of things. Secondly, I think that facebook was an excellent source of advertisement and feed back for my video as me and the band members posted the video on facebook for people to see and this therefore linked to youtube in order to give the video views and so that I could record the feedback process.
I used certain hardware in order to create my music video, the main type of hardware which i used was a camcorder, this is what I used to film the whole of our video, terfore learning new skills in learning this peice of hardware. along with this I learn how to organise myself with using the different settings on the camera and also how to upload it on imovie therefore teaching me new skills. I also used phone cameras to take photos for the development for my video. I went to alot of gigs that my band were playing at, these gigs mainly took place at the local bar called Rude. Using a camera phone is a simple small device which is handy to use anywhere, for example i have taken a lot of pictures that could of been used for my dvd and magazine adverts.
I used search engines such as google to do the beggining research in what types of locations and props i could use in the video its self. I researched locations such as dark alleys to see if i could picture the video taking place in a similar location, I also researched grand houses and clothing so that I oould again picture how I would put the video togather using similar surroundings and settings.

I used prosumer technology such Imovie in order to make my video, this is what I uploaded all of our initail footage onto and I used Imovie to put the video together through different editing techniques that would suit my videos genre and what i wanted the final video to look like. For my video i sound certain edits very useful, such as I used Imovie to speed up and slow down particualr parts to create a certain feel to the video such as confusion or happiness. Imovie was also used to put certain black and white effects on, use of time laspe was also created through the Imovie software itself and basically the whole video was put together using this software. The use of prosumer software is useful as it is a way of consumers being able to use software in order to enter into the media industry, by using affordable software to present your own talents.
For example below you can see how i have used i movie to edit an image into a red flash, which will pop up throughout the video itself in order to add to the pace of the edit.

Here is another example of how I have used Imovie, uploaded and image onto and edited the red again to add a flash into the pace of the film itself.

Photoshop was also another part of prosumer technology that I used in order to create my designs for my DVD cover and magazine advert, photoshop is useful n oder to edit my photos to make them look like a suitable representation of the bad. I used photoshop to add on certain colours and font sizes that match the bands genre. I also used photoshop to measure how big each design would be.
All of the media technologies I have discussed have all been extremely useful in the creation and advertisement of my promotional package. The hardware such as camera equipment that I have used has made it much easier and possible to film and create the foundation of the whole media package itself.
The software such as Imovie has been used in order to fit the video to create a basis of what I wanted it to look like, and it has also been used for edits that are fitted in order to represent a certain genre. Photoshop has been more useful when designing my adverts and things that go along with the music video itself. I have been made more aware of what different software devices you are able to use to design different projects. I have never used photoshop before this coursework peice and therefore I have learnt important and useful new skills that will become extrememly useful.
The media technology that i feel is also extremely important is the global villiage, which concludes of the web 2 database, in which you are able to use in order to present and advertise your work. This is the biggest form of marketing as social networking sites are extremely popular amongst youths, and these are the people I am targeting with the creation of my music video. By making use of social networking sites I have been able to gain a backing for my video and it is evident that people are watching it on youtube.

This has shown me that web2 is an extremely useful and easy form of advertisement for media production.
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