Friday 29 January 2010

Distribution and feedback.

Samuel Fukcing Squire Just found this on the Tube... AWESOME!!
An A2 music video following the genre of rock/screamo by Year 13 Students at St Cuthbert Mayne School
31 minutes ago · · · Share
Samuel Fukcing Squire
Samuel Fukcing Squire
I just realised its Miss.Scanlon...
28 minutes ago
Becca Scanlon
Becca Scanlon
hahaha yes!
10 minutes ago ·

Tom Goodtobearound Gordon
Tom Goodtobearound Gordon
mark says it's amazing
2 minutes ago

Above is the reaction that three members of the band gave when seeing the video for the first time, i received this feedback from facebook, as when the bands drummer Sam saw the video on youtube and posted it onto his facebook, this therefore is another method of distribution, as it is advertising the fact that we have made a video through web 2. 

As I have already explained, we have posted our music video onto youtube, this is a major and successful form of media distribution and we have posted it up in order to receive feedback and to see how popular the video is. At the moment our video has been present on youtube for two weeks and we have received 108 viewings meaning that youtube is a useful form of advertisement and distribution for this type of genre in music because it has presented evidence of success and feedback.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Suitable magazine for my band..

I feel that the perfect magazine that Chick Rides Artist would be suitable to feature on when considering the bands genre and style is the famous rock magazine Kerrang.
Kerrang magazine is published in order for rock and screamo fans to read up on there favourite bands and look up future gigs, the magazine gives the lastest news of happenings in the rock world, with interviews and information on not only succesful rock bands but also new upcoming bands. This is applicable when considering the audience as it is similar to that of which will be interested in the band Chick Rides artist. As you can see on the cover is the band You Me At Six, labelled as 'Rocks new hotshots.' The band You Me At Six is extremely similar to Chick Rides Artist, with a mixture of screamo and emo, and the songs have many similarities therefore the same type of audiences will be flocking towards Chick Rides Artist. I personally am an example of this because You Me At Six are personally one of my favourite bands, and I also love the work that Chick Rides have done.Also, in the top black band it has a list of other bands featured in the magazine these are Enter Shikari a well know screamo metal band and also funeral for a friend, again falling within the same music genre as Chick Rides subsiquently resulting in similar audiences.

The Magazine uses mostly red white and black colours in its presentation. This makes me think about how I need to portray my magazine advert, as when looking at magazine adverts such as YouMeAtSix and Bullet For My Valentine, they are all presented in certain colors such as red white and black, therefore to fit the genre its self I must do this to my magazine advert. 

What my DVD cover must contain..

Dvd cover : 280mm horizontal
182mm vertical.
20mm included in this for the spine.
My cover will include, photographs of the band, a dvd title, significant bar codes and dvd logos, a title and a name, a set list, copyright evidence.

This is a photograph that i took of me and bass player Nic when talking to the band about the video and how i was going to present and do the video, as i couldn't use the band themselves in it because they were touring in Reading at the time of production.

Friday 1 January 2010

This is paramores Blu ray movie of the videos from their third album RIOT. The whole of the cover is set out using three different colours. Red, black and white, all the writing which concerns the title of the band and the songs is in the red colouring, which is done in order to make the name of the band stand out. Usually on the front of paramores Albums or Dvds you will find that the bands name is in red, it is the bands signiture colour.

On the front cover the top third has the artists name, in red on the black background. The middle third, which takes up most of the page has the whole band pictured in black and white though the photos are not a shot of the whole band together, it is a collgae divided into four parts, with each member of the band in each forth.

The Spine has got Paramore located down the side, again in red writing. It is simplistic in order to make the name stand out. The red writing also plays a part in introducing the genre of the band as red is a colour of rage and paramore is a rock band. Also, the picture of the band playing live connotes that they play live music with instruments and a lead singer.

The back of the cover, has a portrait group photo sat on the steps, again this is in black and white in order to contrast with the bright red. What is different about this is the lead singer, Hayley Williams is pictured in colour and remains to be the only one in colour. The effect that this has is that it shows that she is the lead singer. It also shows that the band is a little bit different as the lead singer is female, and the rest of the band, ie the guitarist basest and drummer are all male.

This is Green Days a ' Bullet in a Bible ' The background colour is red, contrasting with the connotation of the name ' Green Day ' itself, again the red is representative of the rock music genre. It is loud and it stands out.

This DVD cover consists of two crowd shots placed within the bottom part if both the front and the back of the cover. On the front cover we have a high angle shot looking up at a black sillohette of the lead singer looking over the crowd. This creates the effect of Green Day being a powerful famous band. The lead singers arm is pointing up to the right and underneath his arm you have the title ' Bullet in a Bible. ' The title of the DvD is obviously making a statement and to have the lead singer pointing and standing above everyone with this statement written underneath his arm suggests that he is trying to get this statment across to people, so that they should listen to the music.

This is Guns and roses DVD cover ' Welcome to the Videos. ' Much like the Paramore Dvd cover its writing is all in Red with a black based background. This could again be to attract the sense of danger that this type of music brings, therefore attract the audience of heavy rock lovers that it wants to attract. The centre right of the cover also has an parental advisory label, that suggests swearing and terms that arent suitable for everyone.

The centre of the front of the cover, has the Guns and roses label with the title of the DvD undenneath thi, this instantly signifys who's DvD it is and it instantly attracts anyone who is a fan because the label is in big on the front.

The back cover is a list of the videos of the songs featured within the DvD