Monday 14 December 2009

Last changes

We have looked at our nearly complete video. And decided to change the style of the male figure in it as he didn't suit the representation of the band, his style didn't fit the mise en scene therefore we changed the male figure to some one who matches the screamo emo representation.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Red Flashes.

We have edited many of our shorter, paceful and shocking images and put them in red. We have done this to create a red motif throughout. This is in order to portray the violence, anger and revenge that she is seeking.

Parrellal edits.

We feel that our music video was missing something, it didnt quite fit together like we wanted it to. Therefore we have deciding to ad
d in some parrellel editing so that when you see clips of our main female character, you also see a male figure, we have filmed a few profile shots of him. We feel that this is effective in order to tie the video together because he represents why the girl is so messed up, sad and angry. She has lost her love, and the horrible writing such as the words ' kill ' and revenge' show how she is feeling now that she is heartbroken.